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Sports Crossword Puzzle

1D 2D
4D 3D
6D 3A
5A 12D
7D 14D
8D 13D
6A 12A
10A 8A
11D 13A


Welcome to the sports crossword puzzle section of this site. There are clues to help you to solve the puzzle. Each number down corresponds to each of the same number across. One example is 10 down and across. The corresponding numbers will always intersect each other. Fill out the puzzle and submit it. The winners will be posted.


1 Down:    First word in college name that Grant Hill and Christian Lattener attended.
1 Across:    2nd and 3rd words in college name.

2 Down:    First word in college name that John Elway attended.
2 Across:    2nd word in college name.

3 Down:    First name of quarterback of 1983 who hasn't won a Super Bowl with the Dolphins.
3 Across:    Last name of quarterback.

4 Down:    City of NBA team which won 8 consecutive championships.
4 Across:    Last name of team.

5 Down:    First name of former Yankee slugger who's highest home run count in a season was 59.
5 Across:    Last name of player.

6 Down:    Last name of former Laker and Harlem Globetrotter who scored 100 points in a game.
6 Across:    First name of basketball star.

7 Down:    First name of great former Packer coach who said "Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing."
7 Across:    Last name of former Packer coach.

8 Down:    Church minister who gives out sacks for the Packers.
8 Across:    Last name of Packer.

9 Down:    City of NFL team that was undefeated in 1972.
9 Across:    Last name of team.


10 Down:    Last name of St. Louis Cardinal who hit 70 home runs in 1998.
10 Across:    First name of player.

11 Down:    Last name of former Laker who had AIDS, and was known for his "magical" passes.
11 Across:    First name of former Laker.

12 Down:    City of team who has won 3 Super Bowls in the 1990s, known as "America's team'.
12 Across:    Last name of team.

13 Down:    Last name of hockey player who won many scoring titles, MVPS, and Stanley Cups in the 80s and 90s with the Oilers, Team Canada, and the Kings, and is considered one of the best hockey players ever.
13 Across:    First name of great hockey player.

14 Down:    Former baseball player who had 755 home runs, the record for a career.
14 Across:    Last name of baseball record holder.